Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 42: Breakfast Part II

Today we made breakfast breads! This included pancakes, waffles, french toast (wow I just got hungry), crepes, granola, and oatmeal. Today was a ton of fun! We started by making each batter and then cooking the pancakes and french toast on the grill. The trick to having the best french toast around is using nutmeg! I am a huge nutmeg fan, and having it on your french toast is delicious.

Next up we made crepes. In order to make these, you need a teeny tiny pan, and a very small amount of batter. After swirling the batter around to coat the pan, you form a very thin layer and flip. We then rolled each crepe off and filled it with different fillings. We made one with goat cheese and herbs, the other with caramelized apples. Both were amazing!!

Oatmeal was pretty self explanatory, but the money maker was the granola we made. First we toasted up lots of different oats and grains. Then we coated it with sugar, honey and a few other ingredients. Lastly we tossed in some dried fruit such as cranberries and mango. We mushed everything together on a sheet tray and let it rest for an hour, until hard. Then we chopped it all up and had the best granola ever! Aside from egg day, this was the only other day we ate something that made sense to eat at 10am, therefore we ate it all up. 

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