Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 41: Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

The next two days are breakfast cookery. Since brunch has become a huge phenomenon, especially in NYC, it is important to learn these techniques. We were given around 10 trays of eggs and put to work. We made every type of egg that I have ever heard of- scrambled, omelet, fried, over easy, sunny side up, hard boiled, soft boiled, eggs Benedict, and poached eggs. I usually stick to scrambled or omelets so I took advantage of all that we were cooking and taste tested all of the different types. Lets just say that I haven't had eggs since this day of class. Below is a picture of two out of 10 of the eggs we each prepared:

Now we all know that I am not very strong. However, since I started school, in combination with the heavy lifting I do daily while working at Eataly, I have gotten pretty strong. It just so happened that I realized this the day we were cracking 100 eggs.  I continuously cracked eggs so hard that they broke all over the table. Keep in mind, I have never in my life broken an egg wrong so I found it hysterical that of all days, I was too 'strong'. I understand why some people wouldn't classify this as a way to measure your strength, but I honestly believe this was the day that proved I had gotten stronger.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog! I'm currently in a holistic culinary program, and am enjoying seeing the similarities and differences of what you and I are learning.

    So envious that you are working at EATALY! How cool is that??? I live near Denver, and hope to get to NY to check it out someday!

    I feel the way about my knife as you do about being too strong. I practiced my knife skills all summer long and never once cut myself - but put me in the kitchen and school and I seem to do it on a daily basis! :)

    Shari B. (FitFeat blog)
