Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 30: Roasted

On day 30 we roasted! We began by making a roasted chicken with pan gravy. Roasting is a dry heat cooking method where the item is surrounded by heat, without touching anything. In order to fulfill this rule we made a 'rack' for our chickens to sit on so they didn't touch the pan. We used big carrots as a rack which i thought was pretty cleaver. Once the whole chicken was cooked we made a pan gravy using the drippings. We also got to butcher the chicken, something we have only done with a raw chicken. It was really cool  to be able to see the whole process of roasting the whole chicken and then breaking it down. 

In addition we made Rack of Lamb Persiallde. The crust we put on the rack could make a vegetarian like lamb! We also made roasted garlic and roasted sweet potatoes with orange and sage- a great winter dish that is both beautiful and flavorful! 

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