Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 26: Pan Fry

Thank you to everyone that has been reading my blog! I apologize for the big delay in posting. I will make sure to post at least 1x a week from now on :). Now back to the cooking:

On day 26 we did pan frying. Since I tend to cook pretty healthy for myself, I have barely ever practiced pan frying. The technique includes covering the item 1/2 way with fat and letting it brown on each side until cooked through. To practice we made Veal Milanese, Supreme of Chicken, Crab Cakes with avocado sauce and potato pancakes with apple sauce. Although I don't cook fried food often, I obviously LOVE eating it, and really enjoyed the end of this class session (lunch time). My friend Eric had the day off so he came over for a grand feast of fried foods.

The class was extremely hands on, we each prepared all of the ingredients and then individually fried each item.  My favorite item was the potato pancake and apple sauce. Cooking the potato pancake got a little confusing though since I kept referring to my pancakes as latkas. Potato latkas are a Jewish dish (aka potato pancake) made on Hanukkah. Being that I am the token jew in the class no one could figure out what I was talking about. I had to correct myself half a dozen times. I have made many latkas in my day, but I have never made any that were as good as these. Even better was the apple sauce. We used fresh apples, cinnamon sticks, cloves, nutmeg, brown sugar and water, and simmered them together. Then we pureed it all in a blender, ending with a smooth and delicious sauce.

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