Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 25: Saute II

Talk about moving quick! We started with such basic dishes and now we are making dishes you would order in a restaurant. We made Sauteed Sole with lemon and brown butter sauce. This was a quick saute paired with a mix of lemon juice and butter that is cooked until browned. This sauce was perfect!

Below is steak with pan sauce and potatoes sauteed in garlic and parsley. We have been cutting potato after potato to practice our 'medium dice'. This dish was the first dish where we actually used the medium dice and understood why we need evenly cut potatoes. Not only does this allow them to cook evenly but this makes the dish more pretty.  At the time I thought the below image was beautiful but now that I have a second glance, I suppose I need to practice my 'drawing' skills. 

Below is sauteed salmon on top of sauteed spinach. The green dots are Salsa Verde, a sauce I could live on. This sauce is similar to pesto but it is made with parsley and a few other diversions. I consider this the prized picture of the day. 

As a side note, the chef instructor is short like me. Well, he is probably 5'5 but still.  He has been teaching me a few tricks for us short folk. For instance, when you whisk something for a few minutes (like mayo), it is key to keep your shoulder relaxed instead of up in the air. As someone short it is natural to hold your shoulder up but this other trick helps you from cramping up after a while. He also taught me how to hold a heavy pot using my forearm instead of my wrist. Unfortunately he wasn't able to build me a ladder to reach all of the pots and pans, but its a start. 

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