Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 19: Modern Day Sauces

The past two days we made what are considered classic sauces. Although the classic sauces are delicious, many people have begun experimenting with new flavors, and lighter sauces. Most classic sauces have a heavy base and need a long cooking time. I personally enjoy modern sauces more (except for classic tomato sauce which I will be loyal to forever), since they are a bit more exotic in flavor and lighter. A few highlights from the lesson:

Roasted Tomato Coulis-This is a modern day tomato sauce. Instead of cooking sauce in a pot you roast tomatoes, garlic, thyme, and olive oil for around 2 hours in the oven and then use a food mill to mash it up. I think this can be delicious pre-mash as an appetizer or post-mash as a sauce.

Tomatillo Salsa-SPICY SPICY. There are 2 jalapenos in this salsa but it tasted like one big jalapeno to me, and I like spicy. Chef recommended we wear gloves when working with the jalapenos to avoid getting burns on our hands. To make this easy sauce you blend roasted tomatillos, jalapenos, yellow onion, cilantro, cider vinegar, olive oil, sugar, and salt and pepper. It is really delicious as a dip or a spread to accompany any Mexican dish.

Mango Chutney-Favorite of the day. This is an Indian inspired dish that includes cooked mango with a sweet and spicy glaze. The highlighted flavors were the ginger, white wine vinegar and cloves. It reminded me of a Jewish holiday dish so I am going to make it again for Rosh Hashanna. Cousin Derek, you don't need to wait till Thanksgiving after all.

Corn and Red Pepper Relish- This is like a salsa with chopped pepper and corn. By the books a relish is a fruit or veggie combined with vinegar, sugar, and chili.  It is a really fresh tasting sauce that can either be eaten with chips or as a side dish.

In addition we learned how to make flavored oils, a citrus juice, and Jus de Veau Lie which is the modern day version of sauce Espangole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carly,

    I love your blog! You are so upbeat, it's refreshing. The photo of you w/ the pork butt is also really cute! I look forward to reading more about your studies.


