Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1: Hot Stuff Coming Through

Today was my first day of culinary school at the Institute of Culinary Education.  Immediately I met a handful of my classmates. There are only 7 of us in my class which will give us a lot of one on one attention.  Our class is a mix of college graduates, high schools graduates, and one woman who is starting a new career.

We received our knives which are top of the line. I am so excited to get chopping and build the knife skill set. Additionally we got a large set of books that will cover everything from recipes, to being a successful chef in a restaurant. Although I rarely (never) read the readings in college, I am actually excited to start reading these books--I guess this is a sign that I am focusing on the right career! 

While the attire is the least important thing about culinary school, it is quite far the most comical (see below). I didn't exactly feel like a beauty queen wearing checkered pants, a white chef coat, a 'bonnet' looking cap, and clogs, but I will admit, it felt pretty cool!

The highlight of the day was when a class that is further along brought us a welcoming gift of lemon tarts. They looked like they were fresh from a bakery, and tasted even better! Although today was just orientation and a run through of what to expect, we will be making things like this soon enough! Until then, I can only hope this class continues to bring over their dishes to sample!

I walked in today extremely nervous, but after hearing about all of the amazing opportunities the school has to offer, smelling all of the food we will be making, and chatting with really great classmates, I am so excited to begin my career in the culinary arts!

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