Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 10: Quak

Friday we worked with chicken and duck. We each fabricated 2 full chickens and a duck. Fabricating means to break apart meat/fish/poultry. Depending on what you want the final product to look like fabrication can be removing the bones, skin or fat and breaking down a whole section into edible portions.

We learned how to clean a chicken and then slice it into these edible portions. After all the tears, dislocations, and cuts were made we had breast, legs, thighs and wings. I eat chicken frequently but breaking it down was a first for me. On the second chicken we learned how to tie it into a roast. We used rope to tie back some of the moving parts like the wings and legs. This helps the chicken cook more evenly. We did the same thing with the duck next.

At the end of the class chef cooked us a few pieces of chicken and duck so we could each try it. The chicken was tasty as always. I also really enjoyed the duck which was something I have never tried. It is a bit darker and fattier then chicken but I would definitely eat it again. This was a pleasant surprise since our lesson plan said we were not cooking (aka not eating) for the day. She prepared the meats in some simple salt, pepper, and oil so we could really taste the natural flavor, thanks chef.

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