Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Although Indian cuisine isn't my favorite, it was really fun getting to learn about all of their spices and techniques. We used an enormous amount of spices this day, some of which I have never used. We also made a lot of spice combinations, formally known as Masala.  For example, a masala known to southern india contains: coriander seed, poppy seed, black peppercorns, cumin seed, turmeric, fennel seed, fenugreek seed, caraway seed, black mustard seed, cinnamon, clove, and cayenne. Talk about a lot of flavor. This entire series of recipes began with making different curries, masalas, and other blends of ingredients that are the base to many indian dishes. 

Moti Matal Shrimp-this uses a traditional ingredient called Chaunk. To get chaunk, you brown onions with ghee (Indian version of clarified butter), ginger, garlic, and chiles. 
Coconut Jasmine Pullao, a type of rice.
Red Chicken Coconut Curry
Thai Green Vegetable coconut curry

Naan-Indian Flat bread. We made a ton of different chutneys as well. Usually the bread acts as a mode of transport for the dip, however both the chutneys and naan were amazing.

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